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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Carl Levin
Senator D-Michigan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
CSPAN2 07/16/2013
Reporter Anna: Senator, James Clapper has been accused of lying to congress in his testimony. do you feel he's been held suitably accountable? Levin: that he's been Reporter Anna: held suitably accountable to lying to congress? Levin: I'm troubled by that testimony, obviously, and I don't know how he's tried to wiggle out from it. But I'm troubled by it, so how do you, how do you hold him accountable? I guess the only way to do that would be for the president to somehow or other fire him. and I, I think he's made it clear that he regrets saying what he said, and I don't want to call on the president to fire him, although I'm troubled by it, so I’ll leave it at that.
Carl Levin
Senator D-Michigan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
CSPAN2 07/16/2013
Levin: This technology has a greater potential to invade our privacy. Period. they can't look at the substance of my conversations, but they can find out a heck of a lot about me by what phone calls i make. and that capability that technology is something which we all have to think through because there's pluses to it in terms of catching bad guys, and there's some minuses to it in terms of abuses. J. Edgar Hoover, if this technology were in the hands of J. Edgar Hoover, would I feel comfortable? no. but on the other hand, I wasn't comfortable with J. Edgar Hoover with his technology. laugh after -- [laughter]
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 08/06/2014
Kornacki: yesterday, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who's the chair of the Intelligence Committee, said the CIA has taken this report and over-redacted it. That it has abused its power to redact. That it is trying to keep too much secret. She said the redactions, quote, “obscure key facts that support the report's findings and conclusions.” And now, she's vowing not to release that final report until and unless the CIA and her committee can come up with some compromise. She's also sent a letter to the White House registering her complaints. Democratic Senator Carl Levin called the CIA's redactions totally unacceptable. quote, “the classification process should be used to protect sources and methods where the disclosure of information that could compromise national security, not to avoid disclosure or improper acts or embarrassing information.”
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